Chiropractic Care
At Health Touch Chiropractic in Tigard, OR, chiropractic care is not just about relieving pain; it’s about enhancing even the seemingly healthy person’s function, performance, and quality of life. Chiropractic looks at not only the structural but the mental, emotional, and nutritional side of wellness. Chiropractic care ensures that the spine works properly to maximize normal nerve flow and minimize pressure on the nervous system from stress and postural strain or injury, leading to pain, dysfunction, and decreased quality of life. It is gratifying to see people of all ages turning to chiropractic as a safe and effective alternative to medication and surgery for a wide variety of health issues.

Chiropractors locate misalignments in the spine that lead to the malfunction of joints and nervous tissue.
Most conditions are treated with chiropractic adjustments, a form of manual therapy that is a safe, often gentle, specific
spinal manipulation of joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving properly.
Chiropractors also use a number of other techniques such as exercises, massage, heat and ice, acupuncture,
and ultrasound, as well as offering advice about posture, gait, and lifestyle. Many patients are given stretches and exercises to do at home.
These will often play an active and important role in their treatment and aid quicker, long-term, recovery.
We will take a full history of your complaint alongside a comprehensive review of your medical history and lifestyle. Once this is done, our chiropractor will examine you to identify the root cause of your complaint. This will involve a physical examination of your spine and muscles, neurological tests as well as orthopedic tests.
Once a diagnosis has been established, our expert chiropractor, Dr. Josh Pettigrew will give you a report of findings to explain the root cause of your pain and how best to treat you. He will also explain your advised treatment plan, including how many treatments you are likely to require, over what time frame, and which treatment methods are most appropriate for you.
In most cases, you will be treated on your first visit. If, on the rare occasion, you are not suitable for chiropractic care or require imaging or special testing, you will be referred to the correct facility.
The length of treatment required can vary depending on the severity and how recently the complaint started. The likely length of treatment will be discussed with you on your first visit. On average, most patients with a new injury require around 5 or 6 treatments spread over 2-3 weeks. However, each complaint is different, and your treatment plan will be tailored to suit your specific condition. If the treatment plan discussed on your first visit is followed, most people will see a full resolution of their symptoms. Patients with long-term, recurring, and chronic conditions often benefit from
maintenance care, which will also be discussed with you during your first visit.
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